internationale Photoszene Köln-Logo

The Exhibitions

„Das Sehen verändert unser Wissen, das Wissen unser Sehen.“

  • ID4901_23-09-2018_b1.jpg

    © Ralf Kardes

  • ID4901_23-09-2018_b2.jpg

    © Ralf Kardes

  • ID4901_23-09-2018_b3.jpg

    © Ralf Kardes

The central theme with Ralf Kardes is the art of seeing. To him, photography is not only the illustration of things that have happened: it has a lot more to do with feeling. He works with different subjects and takes the liberty of re-arranging what has happened. Alongside objective photography, abstract photography is therefore the outcome as well. In this connection, the theme of “perception” runs through his works like a golden thread. His works deliberately have no title: viewers are given space to explore the photos for themselves.


Goltsteinstr. 49
50968 Köln

Ralf Kardes

23.09. – 30.09.2018

18.00 h – 21.00 h

24. – 27. Sept 16 – 19 h
28. Sept 19 – 22 h
29. + 30. Sept 11 – 19 h

15.00 h – 19.00 h

> K49
